Thursday 24 February 2011


  • It's a funny, girly, stereotypical teen film. 
Relationships and disagreements are popular themes in teenage movies.
Teen films are usually set around school, shopping centres and peoples houses.

  1. Tomorrow, When The War Began.
  2. Mean Girls
  3. Easy A
  4. Crossroads
  5. Juno 
  • Cher: Cher is a prissy girly-girl who is a bit ditsy. She's naive about real problems and is stuck in her own little world.
Dionne: fights with her boyfriend a lot but it brings them closer together. She's very fashionable and likes to mix up her outfits. She's really nice to almost everyone and is bestfriends with Cher.

Tai: The new girl who is a bit grungy and weird. Cher and Dionne take her under their wing and attempt to direct her so that she becomes fashionable and popular enough to hang out with them. She likes Travis, but Cher tries to steer her away from him because he's a dirty skater kid. But in the end, Tai and Travis end up together.

Josh: Cher's older ex step brother who is a passionate about politics and the enviroment. Is friendly and ends up liking Cher.

Murray: Dionne's boyfriend. He is popular and has a lot of friends. Dionne and himself grow a lot over the movie which bring them closer together.

Elton: Is a 'cool' guy who is up to date with fashion and gets along with people when he chooses to. Is a bit stuck up. He sort of leads Cher on by accident, but it turns out that he ends up being homosexual.

Travis: Is a skater kid who just wants to make friends with everyone. He's creative and isn't very smart, but he tries. He likes Tai.

Mal: Is a high profile lawyer who earns a lot of money and is almost always working. Is a protective, loving father and always cares about Cher. He works hard to give Cher the best life.

Mr Hall: Is a weird, geeky teacher who is lonely and grumpy. Cher and Dionne set out to make him become happier by trying to get him and Miss Geist together and when they are successful, he starts to be more fair in class.

Miss Geist: Is also a nerdy teacher, except she's not grumpy, she's really nice but is also lonely until she's set up with Mr Hall. She's a lot happier after the girls intervene and give her a makeover aswell.

  • Cher: Starts out as a prissy, popular, fashionable girl who is pretty naive to what goes on in the world and real problems, but over time she starts to understand other peoples feelings and that they aren't as lucky as she is. She changes from a superficial spolit girl, to a caring, sharing great friend to a fair few people.
    Dionne: Dionne changes with her boyfriend Murray throughout the film. They both grow up a fair bit and actually start to love and care for eachother properly. They turn into mature young adults.
    Tai: At the beginning Tai is a grungy, average girl. She doesn't really know about girly things and wears boring normal, tomboy sort of clothes until Cher and Dionne give her a make over which changes her completely.
    Josh: He starts out with a girlfriend who has similar opinions on issues as him. He doesn't really like Cher because she's a bit full of herself. But over time, they bond over small things which lead them both to like eachother. He sort of helps Cher grow up and mature.
  • Cher: Wears fashionable, up to date clothes. A lot of dresses and skirts. Girly clothes.
    Dionne: Also wears fashionable clothes, but alters them to put her own spin on them. She follows the crowd, but with her own style included. Also wears a lot of dresses and skirts.
    Tai: Starts out in plain boring shirt and jeans but ends up adopting Cher and Dionne's style.
    Josh: Wears black shirts and jumpers and jeans for pretty much the whole movie.
    Murray: Wears tracksuits and chains. Always looks 'cool' and clean.
  • The plot of clueless is about a new girl who gets taken under the popular girls wing. She changes and turns into a copy of the popular girls which ends up driving them apart as she grows more popular than them. Boys get involved which makes things worse again. Until finally they all start to mature and realise it's okay to be different and like certain people. You shouldn't always judge people on looks.
  • The film is mainly set at their school, but the subsettings are, Cher's house, the mall, a party, a gas station, a skate competition and a concert/gig.
  • Music that was featured was popular music from the time the movie was filmed. It was pop/rock sort of genre and didn't really relate to the film. It was more used as background effect.
  • Issues such as relationships, sexuality, friendships, parties, peer pressure, popularity and virginity were the main ones in 'Clueless'
    Relationships between Dionne and Murray, Tai and Josh, Cher and Josh, Tai and Ethan, Tai and Travis, Cher and Elton, Josh and his other girlfriend and Mr Hall and Miss Geist. Which all pretty much caused problems within friendships, except for Dionne and Murray's, Josh and his girlfriend at one stage and Mr Hall and Miss Geist'srelationship.
    Sexuality was brought up when Cher found out that Elton was not straight. After she tried to get him to like her, she soon found out why he wasn't interested.
    Friendships between all of the main characters were battled and bruised at one stage.
    The kids go to a party out of town which ends up being a bad decision for Cher when Ethan tried to come onto her. Luckily Josh saved the day and picked her up when Ethan abandonned her at a gas station.
    Peer pressure occured when Cher and Dionne made Tai become just like them. They gave her a makeover which she wasn't happy about at first, but towards the end of the film she began to like it.
    Popularity and the need to be popular happened throughout the entire film.
    Virginity was talked about a few times and was made out to be a good thing whereas in other films it's sometimes bad to be known as a virgin.
  • The themes in 'Clueless' were pretty different to other teen films. They put a bit of a funny spin on them and you see them all from a different point of view.
  • The film 'Clueless' is an enjoyable, chick-flick sort of movie that most teenagers would enjoy. There's something for everyone and there's hardly a dull moment. I'd give it 4 and a 1/2 stars out of 5.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog Georgia. The photos for the background looks really effective. I can see by your posts that you have enjoyed both films and have some clear ideas.
