Thursday 17 February 2011

The Breakfast Club Questions

1&2-  Brian: He wears plain, boring clothes. Is a bit geeky and usually does all of his work and does what the teacher says. Tries to get along with everyone. He gets a bit nervous around people and is awkward.
Allison: Keeps to herself. Does her own thing. Is a bit dirty and weird and dresses in dark clothes with dark make-up, until Claire gives her a make-over. Then Andrew starts to like her.
Claire: Is a princess and is a bit prissy, stuck-up and snobby. She thinks highly of herself. Dresses in fashionable clothes and wears a lot of make-up. Claire is really girly.
Andrew: Is a jock and plays sport. Is friendly towards almost everyone. He likes to stand up for people and seem like a tough guy. Wears jeans and just a normal jacket. 
John: He's the bad boy who breaks all the rules. He wears grubby jeans with chains on them, boots, a flannelette shirt, bandana around his ankle and a denim jacket. He does whatever he wants to. Has random mad outbursts. Makes fun of everyone and doesn't seem to get along with people very well, but seems really lonely. 
3. At the start of the film, the kids all seem to hate each other, except for Claire and Andrew, who seems to sort of get along. Brian doesn't seem to hate anyone, he sort of attempts to befriend them all. Then they all start to get along as they spend more and more time with each other stuck in detention. They all form a bond.
4. 'The Breakfast Club' is about a group of kids who usually don't get along and are all from different cliques at school, but once they're all stuck in detention together they begin to bond and get to know one another which ends up with them gaining a few more friends. 
They all break out from their usual groups and images and find out that you shouldn't judge people just by what they look like or who they hang out with, because you never know what problems they're going through, they might end up being more like you than you think.
5. The film is mainly set around their school in the library. But throughout the movie they run around in the corridors and gym.
6. Most of the music in the film was instrumental except for a few songs. It was sort of pop/rock kind of music. When the story was focusing on certain characters, the music changed to suit their personalities. Such as when the story was focusing on John, the music was more rock themed and heavy.
7. The film faces issues such as bullying, relationships, judgements, cliques, rumours, family problems etc.
8. A lot of the issues they deal with are similar to those in other teen-focused movies. Such as 'Mean Girls', 'Easy A', '8 Mile' etc. But I think in this one they focused on a fair few issues all at once, whereas other movies they sort of focus on a couple of issues.
9. 'The Breakfast Club' is an enjoyable movie that is mainly aimed at teenagers/young adults. It's good because it shows how to overcome certain problems and issues as well as showing that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I would give it 4 stars out of 5.

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