Thursday 3 March 2011

Venn Diagram

Time span: A few weeks
Filmed and set in 1995
Settings change whereas in The Breakfast Club they are at school for the whole film.
Sub settings: School, Cher's house, party, gas station, highway and the Mall
Popularity was important to everyone.
Had more main characters.
Main characters: Cher, Dionne, Tai, Josh, Murray, Elton, Travis, Mal. 
Characters were all sort of similar
Heaps of rich, spoilt kids.
Made virginity out to be a good thing.
Superficial issues.
New comers.
Music was more just to fill in background sound instead of being meaningful.

The Breakfast Club:
Time span: One day.
Filmed and set in 1985.
Setting was at school.
Kids from all different backgrounds
Had less main characters
Main characters: Brian, Claire, Allison, Andrew, John and Vernon.
The main characters are in detention being watched by the principal.
Main characters are all from different cliques and are unique.
Made virginity out to be a bad thing.
Meaningful music and lyrics.
Sound effects over swearing.
Family issues.
Family backgrounds and issues.

Mainly teenage characters in both films.
Both mainly set at or around schools.
Reputations and upholding them.
Make overs.
Issues: Virginity, family issues, relationships, friendships, love, stereotypes and drugs.

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