Monday 23 May 2011


Pre-production:To start off with, we formed a group including Mally, Trinette, Dylan and myself. After a long, undescisive conversation, together we finally came up with the idea to do a funny scene out of Scary Movie.

Once we chose a scene, we created a storyboard and a script together to ensure that we knew what we were doing and didn't end up disorganised and completely lost.

We then worked out what character each person would play and the costumes/props we needed to organise. We learnt that working together on a small task such as drawing up the storyboard or typing the script up can be a bit awkward as only one person can really work on it at a time, but we all took turns and it worked out alright. I also learnt that planning to remake one scene is actually quite difficult and takes a fair bit of organisation. I can't even begin to imagine the stress proffessional filmmakers must go through to ensure that thier film will turn out perfect!

We learnt how to use the camera and tripod as well as lighting techhniques so that our film didn't end up wobbly and horrible.

Production:During the filming of our movie, we had some issues such as a bit of mucking around and organisational problems such as forgetting lines and struggling to find a suitable location.

We also experienced camera difficulties which occured because we weren't very good at camera operation. We taped over parts and cut parts off, even filmed the lens cap at one stage, but as a team we worked it out and made it through.

During production our group had a bit of a laugh and I think we all enjoyed the experience.

First off, we changed into our costumes and then we filmed each scene. Our group actually found the filming pretty difficult due to the problems discussed above ^^

After we filmed, we were at the editing stage.
I was away a few times during the editing process, but my group made up for me not being there. We cut parts out and stuck bits and pieces together. We altered the voices to make us girls sound more manly as well as played with different effects.
Our finished product was actually pretty good. It was really fun to make the movie, but at the same time quite difficult. So much more work goes into it than I first thought.
I'm glad we could solve our problems in the end and produce a funny film with my friends :)

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